Award Winning Spirits
Because you deserve the best
We offer a wide selection of spirits to match your mood or taste preference.
You Could Say We Know What We Are Doing
U.S. Open Whiskey & Spirts Championship
- Barrel Finished Gin | 2019 Bronze, 2020 Silver, 2023 Bronze
- Gin | 2021 Silver
- Anejo | 2023 Bronze
- Whiskey | 2022 Gold
- Spiced Rum | 2022 Silver, 2023 Silver
- Reposado | 2022 Gold
- Bourbon | Silver
- Straight Bourbon | 2023 Bronze
- Red White & Bourbon | 2023 Bronze
- Agave Spirit | 2023 Bronze
Great Lakes Internation Cider & Perry Competition
- Apple Brandy | 2021 Bronze
- Ginger Peach Cider | 2023 Gold
- Cherry Ridge Cider | 2023 Gold
- Sriracha Sayonara Cider | 2023 Silver
- Fruit Ridge Dry Cider | 2023 Silver
- Blueberry Cider | 2023 Bronze
Great American Spirits Competition
- Barrel Finished Gin | 2018 Silver
- Gin | 2018 Silver
Agave Spirit
350ml | 750ml
This 100% Blue Agave spirit has warm notes of citrus and honey on the palette with a very smooth finish. It is great for drinking neat, on the rocks, or in your favorite cocktail.
Agave Spirit Reposado
350ml | 750ml
Aged in American oak barrels, this 100% Blue Agave Spirit has smooth notes of agave with spicy oak undertones on the nose. The agave sweetness is balanced with oaky tannins on the palette with a very smooth finish. This is great for drinking neat, on the rocks or in your favorite cocktail.
350ml | 750ml
Distilled from demerara sugar and molasses, subtle notes of these natuyral ingredients greet the nose. The taste is smooth with notes of molasses and candy sugar finish. Smooth, smooth, smooth! Enjoy it neat, on the rtocks or in your favorite cocktail.
Spiced Rum
350ml | 750ml
This rum is aged in American oak barrels before being blended with choice spices and flavors. It has a wonderful blend of vanilla and caramel overtones with smooth molasses undertones. Vanilla and caramel hits your tongue, then oaky citgrus and cinnamon finsish the tasting experience. This rum is great neat, as a mixer with coloa or in the fall try it with apple cider!
350ml | 750ml
This award-winning gin was created using over a dozen unique botanicals. Thornapple Gin starts off with notes of citrus and juniper, transitions to an earthy, flavorful middle, and finishes smoothly with soft floral notes.
350ml | 750ml
This vodka is distilled from 100% corn and charcoal filtered for an extra smooth experience. Thornapple vodka tates great when sipped neat, on the rocks or mixed to make your favorite cocktail.
350ml | 750ml
This whiskey uses 10% rye for a touch of spice in the aroma and flavor. Caramel and vanilla notes hit your tongue with some aoky tannins that gives way to a smooth, sweet alcohol finish. This whiskey is awesome neat, on the rocks or in your favorite cocktail.
350ml | 750ml
We carefully crafted this bourbon using local heritage corn. Red corn, blue corn, and white corn is blended with malt and rye for a special premium taste! This bourbon is great neat, on the rocks, or in your favorite cocktail!
Spirit Flight
1oz Shot Glasses